El más antiguo y el detalle del coche esta primavera. La primavera es un resorte, que consta de 1 o más platos están doblando. Como una variante de la bobina resorte suspensión tiene todas las características de la característica Resortes. A pesar de esto, resulta que la suspensión de algunos coches del resorte muelle blando. Esto significa que la primavera hace más rígida. Pero hay características especiales de los resortes. Además de resorte tornillo en su casi imposible de romper. Bajo compresión las bobinas proporcionará unos a otros y el resorte no serán afectado, en el extremo caso único polomaûtsâ ruedas, Marcos y puentes. Y aquí está que la primavera debido a la desviación puede ser totalmente destruida. Lo mismo puede decirse de muelle helicoidal se extendía. Hay diferentes tipos de resortes, resortes son mnogolistovye, odnolistovye y malolistovye. Mnogolistovye primavera en nuestro país son las más comunes porque son igualmente divide la carga. El resultado es una estructura rígida y puede vivir sin el otro diseño para apoyar el puente. En este diseño Springs servirá aproximadamente el mismo período que las hojas son de un similar condiciones. Otra ventaja es que gracias a la oscilación del coche disminuye. Esto permite a menudo para no utilizar los amortiguadores de choque. Para hacer la hoja de resortes utilizan acero del resorte de carbono. Para hacer el la rihtuût de las placas de desviación y el sello en Mills. A continuación, las hojas son sometidas a tratamiento térmico. La primavera es generalmente la escalera. Existe la posibilidad de fijación superior e inferior. Como cualquier maquinaria para resortes Tienes que cuidar. Con el cuidado apropiado los resortes de su vehículo funcionará mucho más tiempo. Para la primavera a trabajar a veces debemos tirar de Escaleras plegables y lubricar la primavera las hojas de cálculo. Conveniente para los lubricantes -No se deben retirar del coche. Primero tienes que recoger el coche, las ruedas no toque el piso. Luego los extremos inferiores de los amortiguadores de choque de los estantes deben estar separados de los revestimientos de los resortes. Luego doblar la tela que envolvió los resortes y cubra completamente las hojas de grasa grafitada. Puede utilizar los extremos de un destornillador. Una vez al año un resorte es necesario quitar y desmontar para limpieza y lubricación. Si hay una junta dañada que deben ser reemplazadas. Después de como montar el resorte frotis le otra vez fuertemente, necesitamos grasa en todas las grietas entre las sábanas. Y lo más importante, cuidar de su coche y resortes. Gestionar tus caminos coche limpio y buena.
Month: April 2015
International Institute
From 2004 through Academician LI Maslov on Earth is the information from the Creator. Esoteric knowledge, which is currently used on Earth, containing a huge amount of scientific information, but …. without explanation! Since the high spirit of Kryon, who passed information to people through the American engineer Lee Carroll from 1989 to 1992 in the book "Do not think like a man says:" The more you learn about the structure of the atom, the clearer you will become thin world. That understanding of the behavior of elementary particles, the key to this. " And in the book The Alchemy of the human spirit "Kryon, we read:" The change of vibration leads to a change in the distance between the parts of the atom. " We are talking about changing the density of physical matter, and therefore the possibility of loosening of physical matter. In fact, Kryon speaks of subatomic and quantum physics, and calls to the knowledge of physics. Or take the message of the Creator, which he in 2004 and to this day passes by Academician LI Maslov. Those of you who are familiar with the "Revelations of the New Age people," certainly drew attention to their complex content. This holographic structure of the universe, particles and antiparticles, matter and antimatter, negative energy and antiworlds, torsion fields, fractals, bifurcation point, the law of energy the neutrality of space, etc. And again, the knowledge given by the Russians as a means to salvation, set out the language of science. But do not give explanations. High spiritual essence give us knowledge at a high scientific level, in the expectation that we are in them understand, because it's already known to science. Such a promise of high spiritual beings suggests that it is time to unite the rational and irrational knowledge, to create a scientific spirituality, which will help us, people with Higher Powers understand what is happening. It is time to unite Eastern and Western systems of thought, because West, as is known, has succeeded in a precise but limited knowledge, but the East more generally, the full and correct understanding of the world and man 3. Director, International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Academy of AE Akimov said: "All what is now approached physics, with virtually no formulas, but in terms of content, described in ancient Vedic books. There exist two ways of knowledge of Nature. One represented Western science, ie knowledge that is extracted on the methodological basis, which is owned by the West, there is evidence, experiment, etc. Other-East, that is, the knowledge gained from outside the esoteric path, in state, such as meditation. Esoteric knowledge is not extracted, they give a person. It so happens that at some stage this esoteric path has been lost, and formed another singing is extremely complex and slow. For the last thousand years, following this path, we have come to the knowledge that has been known in the East 3000 years ago 4. 1. Tihoplav V.Yu., Tihoplav TS Quantum choice. We do not all die, but everything changed 2. Dmitriev AN Changes in the solar system and on planet Earth. Speech at the conference "Living Ethics" and "Secret Doctrine" in modern science, practical education and social life. " Ekaterinburg. 08-09.08.99. MM: White Alva ", 2001 3. Tihoplav VY Tihoplav TS Physics of faith 4. Akimov AE Physics recognizes the Overmind / wonders and adventures. 1996. 5 P.24-27.
Santa Cruz
They consider that the Asian nation is safer, in spite of the guerrilla islamist in the south of the country, the presence of The political Qaeda, conflicts interns and the dispute with India on Kashmir. Measures taken by regime autocratic, that includes the confiscation of the hydrocarbons, elevation of taxes to miners, redistribution of earth prevailed, assault to income of governments regional, imposition of caricaturesca Assembly Constituent integrated by illiterates, that hid in a quarter to approve of sigilosa form and illegal a constitution Marxist-indigenista, that restricts the economic liberties, is rejected by the town. The savagery the thinking population begins to react, demanding its right to live in the sanity and the legality. The confrontations between the students of the University of San Francisco Xavier and the repressive neoCommunists, in the city of Sucre – that is the capital legitim of Bolivia and cradles of prceres that gave to birth to the South American independence of colonialism virreinal- are a breath of hope for the nation, and demonstrates that Chuquisaca maintains its historical one vibrant libertario spirit. Ever since Evo Morales assumed the power 22 months back, he credited 27 dead ones and more than 300 wounded ones. Their riotous paramilitary ones, the farmers of Achacachi – a town of bloodthirsty Aymarans who dress ponchos red color, and which sometimes they were accused of cannibalism degollaron to two alive dogs, between threatening laughter and vtores. In his sadistic show, they noticed that is the future that it waits for the opponents to them. The savagery of the natives begins to scare. Before the abuses of the regime and the decline of the democracy, six of the nine governors of the country declared the civil disobedience, that has happened to become mobilized civil resistance. The events are acquiring spread and the possibilities of dialogue with a president who does not have brain nor heart, are null. The department (province) of Santa Cruz, has summoned from the 3 of December, to a general and indefinite hunger strike in all the country. The situation is unpredictable. Bolivia needs a leader with political knowledge, charisma, experience, intelligence, and essentially anger, that according to Aristotle it is first of the human qualities, because guarantees the others.
SISZHL Devices
All electronic devices must be Rfid-tag, allowing to work only with the configuration of the "Ring of biometrics," the owner and his IL. Of course, it is hoped that today's "Babylon" variety devices, software, formats for documents and content man-machine interfaces, menus, forms, gradually "synergistically" soorganizuetsya in a suitable system. But, why would not a reasonable community proclaim the ideological principles of the conceptual development of the huge directed the ICT industry, immediately identify forward-looking goals. Otherwise, the multi-million, is a growing army of developers, programmers and technologists will create regular monthly versions of the software and devices, and consumer users to configure and learn to use them. And I would like to live and work full-blooded. Diego Marynberg addresses the importance of the matter here. Where to get it time, given that surfing the net every year absorbs more and more of this short lifetime. And in some countries, the surfing is almost doubled in one year. Therefore, interface devices and software for future SISZHL should avtopodstraivatsya under the user experience. To them he could easily and effectively. And, as people with primary education, as well as a computer professional. Keep in mind that the PC and the Internet have long used Not only scientists, "CERN", or the agency DARP", but other taxpayers – workers, peasants, housewives and pensioners. And the vast majority of them, since the number of Internet users has exceeded one billion. You can talk about a new type of people – millions of 'IterGomoNetov (InterHomoNet), conducting to the web more than a hundred hours a week and experiencing real physical discomfort, if such withdrawal is not possible on the WWW.