Predominates until the days of today in the villages as main food. It can symbolize the root of the allotment, of the reencontros, integration, interaction, souvenir of the existence of the man who left the only way to carry through something that is the LOVE; MANNA that came of the sky in this situation, said the Moiss to you: ‘ ‘ It looks at, I go to make to rain bread of the sky. Each person will have to leave all the mornings to collect enough bread for each day. (BIBLE, Former 16, 4); MANNA cassava that sprouts of the mother land as the land for potiguaras is called; The MOTHERS involve its children since teeny, the same ones play cry, have fun themselves and at the same time they unconsciously participate, they learn the tradition of the Potiguara Supper who always will happen, the teeny ones will become young, adults and will continue to keep the Potiguara Supper; MASS, GUM AND CASSAVA extracted FLOUR of the cassava for the aboriginal culinria and the preparation of beiju sacred; CEIA SAINT portraies the allotment to reflect on the importance of reencontros renewal; PALCO for this wonderful spectacle, the flour houses becomes the sacred altar and beiju eucarstico; The ALLOTMENT promotes the union of different etnias fraterna and harmonious between all. ADAPTATION of the Potiguaras indians enters the celebration in the church catholic for the Christian catholics and the supper potiguara if adjusting for its cultural reality; MULTIPLICATION OF BREADS Jesus took five breads and the two fish, raised the eyes to the sky, blessed them, broke them and gave them its disciples to it, so that they served the people (BIBLE, Luc 9,16-17). Mamanguape, 09 of December of 2010..