This if still becomes more serious to be considered that lately the government, by means of the Treasure National, it has loaned about 200 billion Reals to the BNDES whose payment to the government will occur in 30 years. About two teros of these loans they will cost to the bank the Tax of Interests of Longo Prazo (TJLP) that currently it is around 6% to the year and about one tero will be based on the taxes where the National Treasure to catch the resources in the exterior. The cost of the borrowers of loans of the BNDES is in tender of the TJLP, that is, currently around 6% to the year. Everything this means that the government offers to the BNDES resources that are caught in the market to a tax that turns around 12 13% to the year so that this bank loans for the most varied companies to a tax of interests that is equivalent to the half of this. The government catches of the market by means of public headings paying to 12 13% to the year, loans to the BNDES that will go to pay to the government in 30 years paying about 6% to the year and loans to the companies charging around 6% year plus some administrative taxes. That is, the government is subsidizing loans that will lead to the generation of jobs in other countries when it finances the construction of roads, bridges, plant, etc. in other countries or when it finances the expansion of Brazilian companies in the exterior where the immense majority of the hand of used workmanship is of the country where the enterprise is carried through. The same it can be said when the BNDES finances the formation of true slaughter houses of companies where determined group using the resources gotten next to this bank of form subsidized by the citizens who pay taxes to verwhelm companies who act in its area. Many Brazilian companies who could grow had been sacrificed or had passed for serious difficulties in reason of this. The criteria of performance of the BNDES would have to be pautados by the formation of competitive Brazilian companies, however without sacrificing other companies. Its performance would have to be fortified in the small area of the average companies, offering them chances of long, prosperous and lucrative life for the proprietors, the bank, the country and the society. They are sets of ten of billions of Reals that the government is subsidizing great companies who can use the market of international credit to a cost until minor who the practised one for the BNDES. Average small companies who very possess little access to the market of international credit would have to be the preferential customers of our bank of promotion. In value terms, the lesser companies still are little expressive in the wallet of loans if compared with the great companies. The BNDES would have to visualize the prosperidades of Brazil being helped to form solid companies without other companies and people are harmed. After all, the resources that are used for loans are of the Brazilians who pay its taxes, taxes and contributions to the government.