Facial massage effectively treats wrinkles and can slow down the biological clock. This procedure normalizes blood circulation, reduces swelling of the face, increases skin tone. Facial massage, as a rule, done in a professional salon. But you can carry out the procedure for a mini-facial massage at home. This procedure takes only 10 minutes of your time. You might not notice, but you do face massage every time you put the cream on face. The basic rule of this procedure: all traffic must pass in the direction of skin lines, they are also called line Benningofa.
There is a myth that your skin can not stretch much and squeeze. That's not true. Skin can and should be quality massage. And do not be afraid of all these tales about the fact that the skin on this stretch. Contraindications. Contraindications may be festering sores on the skin, burns, skin lesions, cracks. In these cases you should refrain from cosmetic massage. Benningofa line on his face. On the forehead: the lines are directed from the center to the temples area of eyes: the upper part of the century – from the inside of the eye socket to the outside, on the bottom – in the opposite the direction of the nose: the lines pass through the nose to the tip of the nose, then cheeks to the ears: starting from the corners of your mouth and go to the ears Chin: from the middle of the lower jaw to the ear lobes the lips: starting center for the upper lip and finish at the ear massages every day for 10-15 minutes, you can achieve good results. You can smooth out superficial wrinkles, improve skin tone, make the skin supple.