
The certified partners complete the actual transfer order directly with each other, because both have the goal of optimal utilisation of transport capacity. Total up to 230,000 daily freight and cargo services available from 75,000 users in Europe available. In addition they have thanks to the Pan-European platform for freight tenders TC eBid greater planning security: shippers from industry and commerce, as well as transport carriers write here out long-term transport contracts. Association members can schedule more efficiently therefore their business, and are a step ahead of the competition. Motivation of both partners the multitude and variety of the transport offer in the public procurement platforms, as well as comprehensive service of TimoCom also Dr.

Thomas Rackow convinced the both Managing Director of the FSL, as well as by the VSL is: with the cargo and freight exchange TC truck & cargo can access our members a huge range pool. In the hectic MRP everyday is to use the stock exchange not only arbeitserleichternd, but also economically. Users can utilize their capacities here quickly and efficiently. We really liked the new special hotline has me in addition to the extra services, such as for example the security package TC secure TimoCom assist. Here, our members get answers to all questions relating to the products and the transport business, such as safety tips, or the latest industry developments. Also the multilingualism of TimoCom is for our users. a decisive added value, especially in an increasingly international transport world” Chief Representative Marcel Frings is also pleased about the cooperation: gladly we cooperate with so powerful associations such as the CF and the FSL. I’m sure that we will achieve a win-win-win situation: every single member of the CF and of the FSL and TimoCom also will benefit from each other. “Learn more about TimoCom and the CF can be found under or.” Press contact: TimoCom soft- und hardware GmbH Manager corporate communication Tim motorcycling in the Steele 2 DE-40599 Dusseldorf phone: + 49 211 88 26 69 13 fax: + 49 211 88 26 59 13 E-mail: